# 第十一章

# 什么时候向一个二项队列进行连续 M 次撬入的花费少于 2M 个时间单位的时间?


# 设建立一个有N=2k1N=2^k-1 个元素的二项队列,交替进行 M 对 Insert 和 DeleteMin 操作。显然,每次操作花费0(logN)0(\log{N}) 时简。为什么这与插入的Θ(1)\Theta (1) 摊还时间界不矛盾?

尽管每次插入操作花费logN\log{N}, 每次删除操作花费2logN2\log{N}, 虽然这与线性摊还时间相悖,但当NN 次插入和O(NlogN)O(N\log{N}) 后,实际操作时间界和摊还时间界一致。

# 通过给出系列导致一次合并需要Θ(N)\Theta(N) 时间的操作,证明对于课文中描述的斜堆操作的O(logN)O(\log{N}) 摊还界不能转换成最坏情形界。

在空斜堆中插入N,N+1,N1,N+2,N2,N+3,...1,2NN,N+1,N-1,N+2,N-2,N+3,...1,2N 的序列时,平均每次操作花费Ω(N)\Omega(N) 的时间。

# 扩展斜堆以支持具有O(logN)O(\log{N}) 摊还时间的 DecrcaseKey 操作

实现步骤如下,当插入的值valuevalue 小于堆XX,我们把valuevalue 从父节点切下来,形成一个新堆H1H_1, 过去的XX 成为H2H_2, 合并,因为合并操作时间为O(logN)O(\log{N}), 所以这是 DecrcaseKey 操作时间为O(logN)O(\log{N})

# 实现斐波那契堆并比较其与二叉堆在用于 Dikstra 算法时的性能


# 证明一次一字形展开的摊还时间多为3(Rf(X)Ri(X))3(R_f(X)-R_i(X))

一字型的总摊还时间为ATzigzig=2+Rf(P)+Rf(G)Ri(X)Ri(P)Ri(G)AT_{zig-zig} = 2+R_f(P)+R_f(G)-R_i(X)-R_i(P)-R_i(G)
又因为Si(X)+Sf(G)<Sf(X)S_i(X)+S_f(G)<S_f(X), 所以化简得

# 第十二章

# 编写关于红黑树得删除过程

void RBtree_Delete(RedBlackTree T, ElementType Item) {
    if (T->Root == T->NullNode) return;
    // Find the node to be deleted
    RedBlackNode toDelete = T->Root;
    RedBlackNode X = T->NullNode;
    // find the node with value Item
    while (toDelete != T->NullNode && toDelete->Element != Item) {
        if (Item < toDelete->Element) 
            toDelete = toDelete->Left;
        else if (Item > toDelete->Element)
            toDelete = toDelete->Right;
    if (toDelete == T->NullNode) {
        printf("%d is not exists\n", Item);
        return ;
    // If there are two children, find the smallest node in the right subtree, 
    // replace it, and delete the node directly
    if (toDelete->Left != T->NullNode && toDelete->Right != T->NullNode) {
        RedBlackNode tmp = RBtree_FindMin(T, toDelete->Right);
        // Here only the value is copied, not the color, 
        // so as not to destroy the nature of the red-black tree
        Item = toDelete->Element = tmp->Element;
        toDelete = tmp;
    // If there is only one child node (only the left child or only the right child), 
    // just use the child node to replace the node position 
    // (this judgment statement is also used if there is no child node).
    if (toDelete->Left == T->NullNode) {
        X = toDelete->Right;
        RBtree_Transplant(T, toDelete, toDelete->Right);
    } else if (toDelete->Right == T->NullNode) {
        X = toDelete->Left;
        RBtree_Transplant(T, toDelete, toDelete->Left);
    //Before deleting the node, it is necessary to judge the color of the node: 
    //1. if it is red, delete it directly without destroying the red-black tree. 
    //2. if it is black, it will destroy the fifth property of the red-black tree after deletion, 
    // and the tree needs to be make adjustments.
    if (toDelete->Colors == BLACK)
        RBtree_Delete_Fixup(T, X);

# 写出关于 1-2-3 确定性跳跃表得删除过程

SkipList_123 SkipList_123_Remove(SkipList_123 L, SkipList_123_ElementType Item) {
    // If 1-2-3 Skip List can not remove
    if (IsEmpty(L)) 
        return NULL;
    // The current node, the previous node of the current node, 
    // start marks the start of each level when the node goes down.
    // If previous finally equal to start means have not advanced toward right on this level.
    // next save the start position of the next level for current node.
    SkipList_123_Postion Current, Previous, Next, tmp;
    Current = L->Down;
    int NodeHeight = 0;
    while (1) { //loop and will return when curent->down == bottom
        Previous = NULL;
        while (Item > Current->Element) { //try advance toward right as far as possible
            Previous = Current;
            Current = Current->Right;
        //NodeHeight will mark if a node is a height 1 node
        if (Current->Element == Item)
        //if on level 1 try to remove if possible and return
        if (Current->Down == Bottom) {
            if (NodeHeight == 0) {
                L = LowerHeadRemoveHelp(L); //can not find do not  need to remove
                return NULL;
            } else { // Need to remove
                if (NodeHeight == 1) { //if node height == 1 just remove it.
                    //delete need to consider down fild of the upper level.
                    //so swap current and current->right.
                    tmp = Current->Right; // to be deleted
                    Current->Element = Current->Right->Element;
                    Current->Right = tmp->Right;
                    L = LowerHeadRemoveHelp(L); // Might need to lower the head
                } else {
                    //if current node height > 1, swap the key with neighbour than delete the neighbour
                    //here swap with left neigbour,notice we must have advaced right on
                    //this level otherwise it must be a height 1 node.
                    //we will find all the node with key value current->key and modify it
                    //to previous->key.
                    L = LowerHeadRemoveHelp(L); // need to make sure the sturcture correct first.
                    L = FindAndModifyRemoveHelp(L, Current->Element, Previous->Element); 
                    Previous->Right = Current->Right;
                return L;
        //on other levels ,not level 1.
        //save the postion to go down on the lower level.
        Next = Current->Down; //the next level will be unchaged when dealing the current level.
        //Note: current->key == current->down->right->key 
        // means the gap we want to down is of size only 1.
        if (Current->Element == Current->Down->Right->Element) {
            //the first gap case, consider current gap and the next
            if (Previous == NULL) { //have not advanced on this level
               //if the next gap has 2 or more one level lower element.
               //one element need to lower down,the other one need to raise one level,
               //just swap do not need to delte space.
               if (Current->Right->Element > Current->Right->Down->Right->Element) {
                    Current->Element = Current->Right->Down->Element;
                    Current->Right->Down = Current->Right->Down->Right;
               } else {
                    //one element need to lower down,need to delete space.
                    tmp = Current->Right;
                    Current->Element = tmp->Element;
                    Current->Right = tmp->Right;
            } else { //not the first so consider the privious gap and the current
                if (Previous->Element > Previous->Down->Right->Element) {
                    tmp = Previous->Down->Right;
                    if (tmp->Right->Element != Previous->Element)
                        tmp = tmp->Right;
                    Previous->Element = tmp->Element;
                    Current->Down = tmp->Right;
                } else {
                    Previous->Element = Current->Element;
                    Previous->Right = Current->Right;
        Current = Next; //go to the next level (one level lower).

# 使用一个 NullNode 节点标记实现配对堆
